Expect Busy Roads this Memorial Day

Despite steeper prices at the gas pump than earlier this year, AAA is predicting large volumes of traffic this memorial day weekend.

While gas prices have climbed nearly 10 cents in some areas over the last few days, Mary Maguire , AAA Northeast director of public and legislative affairs, reminds us that “…We’re still looking at the lowest gas prices in 11 years headed into Memorial Day weekend,” and encouraged readers to “Take advantage of lower prices and plan a road trip.”

Ohio’s current average gas price is $2.532, compared to $2.66 per gallon average during this week last year.

According to the Lowell Sun AAA expects to see the second-highest volume of Memorial Day weekend travel nationally, and the highest level since 2005, with 38 millions Americans taking to the roads over the weekend.

In her statement, Maquire stated that “Americans are eagerly awaiting the start of summer and are ready to travel in numbers not seen in more than a decade…The great American road trip is officially back, thanks to low gas prices, and millions of people from coast to coast are ready to kick off summer with a Memorial Day getaway.”

AAA also believes that the low gas prices we’ve seen this year will encourage more travel, as drivers have saved nearly 20 billion dollars on gas collectively.

If these predictions prove accurate we can expect to see some crowded highways this holiday weekend.